Sea Cans
Need a fully portable, fully automated pump control system? Precision Service and Pumps’ custom converted Sea-Cans are just what you’re looking for. We convert cargo shipping containers to provide turn key, stand alone pumping solutions that are particularly useful in remote locations like mines or on sites where space is limited. Once a Precision Service and Pumps Sea-Can is delivered to a site, we can connect it to any existing system regardless of electrical hookups or pipe diameter. Our Sea Cans are a truly turn key, stand alone pumping solution.
Cargo shipping containers are the backbone of the international shipping industry. Made of steel and up to 40feet long, they can be as big as a house, and because of their size, they offer the construction industry an affordable option for a permanent or portable site structure that is totally customizable to fit the clients site needs.
The following are some of the custom conversion options that Precision Service & Pumps Inc have completed for clients, and the other examples are very workable and cost effective alternatives we can customize to the point of Turn-Key for clients who would normally build conventional buildings:
- Waste Stations
- Water Purification Stations
- Control Buildings
- Pump Stations
- Generator Enclosures
- Sludge Handling
- Chemical Feed Buildings
- Laboratory Buildings
Turn-Key Pump Stations
Pre-assembled at our workshop, Precision Service & Pumps can design the inside area of a Sea-Can to accommodate any pump system package. We fully assemble and install the total pump system within the Sea-Can enclosure prior to delivering it to the site. Once the Sea-Can is delivered to the site, we connect it to the existing system. Any electrical hookups or any sized diameter pipe penetration can be flashed to the Sea-Can and sealed with ease.
The Sea-Can is pre-engineered and totally customized inside and out to meet the client’s specifications at our prefabrication shop. Once the Sea-Can is fitted with all of the inner workings to meet the job it is designed to perform, the container is shipped from our shop to the clients site were we connect it to the site infrastructure and complete the initial startup and commissioning.
From shop-built to site installation, our stringent quality control system and attention to detail ensures the consistent delivery of a strong and dependable product package designed to meet your specific job requirements. At Precision Service & Pumps Inc. Quality and workmanship are commodities we take pride in delivering with every Sea-Can we customize. This is why every Precision Turn-Key Sea-Can undergoes extensive quality control checks before it’s released for shipment to the clients site and then installed by our certified installers.